… a question that remains to be unanswered. Where did they all go? What happened to the gallant men of the society? Vanished with no traces?
My aunt and cousin went to Greenhills yesterday. We travelled through LRT. As the train stopped on Betty Go – Belmonte station, an old man and his wife went in. The bus wasn’t really crowded but there is only one seat available. As expected the old man gave the seat to his wife. He looked around for an available seat but all was now taken. There were actually 7 male species seated comfortably on the train. I was expecting one of them to offer their seats to the old man. And like what they say, never expect so you’ll never be disappointed. Yes, none of them offered their seats.
When the train was approaching Gilmore station, the recording announced its next stop. Included in the announcement was the simple reminder to offer seats to old persons, handicapped, and pregnant women. I keenly observed if one of the 7 male species even heard the announcement. Sad to say, they were also deaf. The old man and his wife get off the train at J. Ruiz. Yes, no seat was offered to grandpa.
On our way home, we rode the jeepney plying AFP housing. It was raining hard so we were actually lucky to be the first passengers. About 30 minutes later, the jeepney was full. The province girl in me was expecting that we’d go straight to our destination – that the driver, just like in our province, would have at least a little concern towards his passengers. Again, expectations leads to frustrations. The jeepney driver loaded more passengers. Yes, we are overloaded. And to my amazement, all who boarded the jeepney were ladies. And two of them, since they were the last to board, have no choice but to stand on the jeepney stairs – an action that was supposed to be done only by men. Woman empowerment in a different and wrong aspect. The five ladies kneeled down on the jeepney floor. They don’t have a choice. The GREAT MEN inside the jeepney just stared at them. In amazement, I must say.
You may ask me, if I am so concerned with grandpa standing on the train or even the ladies kneeling on the jeepney floor, why do I have to wait for someone to offer a chair? Why not offer my own chair?
If you’re a man reading my post, you may think I’m a man hater. Ranting over these little things and blaming them to the male species. (no, I was never a man hater.)
If you’re a woman reading my post, you do understand that like you, I’m wondering what happened to chivalrous men of the society. Where did all the gentlemen go?
Chivalry n.
1. The medieval system, principles, and customs of knighthood.
2. A. the qualities idealized by knighthood, such a bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry towards women.
B. A manifestation of any of these qualities.
Gentleman n.
1. A man who combines gentle birth or rank with chivalrous qualities
2. A man whose conduct conforms to a high standard of propriety or correct behavior.
Is chivalry really dead in our modern world?
Ask yourself young man.